General Information/FAQ
What happens when I come for a herbal consultation?
There is a comprehensive list of questions that you will be asked, some of which you might think have no relevance to your condition, but every aspect of your body’s function & lifestyle carries important information in the diagnostic process in order to create a customised herbal formula for each individual patient. These questions will be reviewed at each consultation in order to see where changes are (or aren’t) occurring in the healing process and to see whether the formula needs to change or dosages of herbs be altered. The tongue will also be examined & the pulse felt, both of which reveal further diagnostic information.
How do I take the herbs?
The herbs are taken in three ways: 1.) as a tea made from soaking & boiling the raw herbs, 2.) as concentrated granules, which are dissolved in hot water, just like making a cup of instant coffee or 3.) as a medicinal tincture. The raw herb approach is considered to be the purest & most effective way of taking herbs, but does require a bit of commitment in terms of preparation. The method most suitable for your needs would be decided during your initial appointment.
Are they safe?
The Chinese materia medica contains several hundred commonly used ingredients including roots, stems, flowers, leaves and bark, together with some non-plant materials. No herbs from endangered plants or animal products are used at all and herbs are sourced only from suppliers approved by the RCHM (Register of Chinese Herbal Medicine) who ensure that their herbs comply with CITES regulations on endangered species.
Will they help with my condition?
Herbal remedies can be used to treat almost every kind of illness and disease, whether physical, mental or emotional. Clients frequently consult for help with:
- Chronic pain
- Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, acne, rosacea, urticaria
- Digestive/Gastro-intestinal disorders: IBS, chronic constipation, bloating, ulcerative colitis,
- Gynaecological conditions: pre-menstrual syndrome and dysmenorrhoea, endometriosis, menopausal symptoms & infertility
- Chronic fatigue syndromes & post viral conditions (Long Covid)
- Respiratory conditions: asthma, chronic coughs, bronchitis, allergic rhinitis and sinusitis
- Rheumatological conditions: osteo and rheumatoid arthritis
- Urinary conditions: interstitial cystitis, UTIs
- Psychological problems: depression, anxiety, insomnia
Perhaps the most important benefit of herbal medicine is that, unlike orthodox Western medication, herbal preparations rarely produce unwelcome side effects. Also, clients who use herbal medicine report that often long-standing health problems clear up, and that the herbal remedies make them feel generally healthier, more balanced and energetic.
What if I’m on medication?
It’s vital that when taking orthodox medication you continue to take your prescribed medicine and provide a list of which medicines you are currently taking. This is to avoid any interference by the herbs to the prescription medication or vice versa, which is actually more likely in most cases. Generally, herbal medicine is not taken while on anti-biotics, for example, because they would override the effects of the herbs.
How long do I need to keep taking them?
The short answer is: until you’re better, but this of course depends on the severity & nature of your condition. However, it is not intended for anyone to be taking herbs permanently, as is sometimes the case with various over the counter supplements.